Saturday, August 20, 2011

[A3] Pulau Kapas - Webmaster


Description on the individual ideation of the link
-          Introduce team of webmasters
-          Provide the info of webmasters such as name, contact, majoring and so on
-          Provide the questionnaire links
Objective of the link
-          Can ask the webmaster if have any inquiries
-          Know about the webmaster so that they do not feel doubt
-          Want to let the viewer about the team of webmasters

         Design of GUI

This is the layout of webmaster page. There is the logo link and Q& A part. Under the Q&A section, there will be name, email and comments for the viewer to key in details and comments or questions.

This is the interface after you click into the logo links. This will have the photos and have more details about each of our S.O.S Team members.

Flow Chart of individual site

Adobe Photoshop will be used to edit and create the banners,pictures and buttons of the website.
Adobe Dreamweaver will be used to create the website.
Adobe Flash will be used to create the flash of our website.