Tuesday, September 6, 2011

[A3] The progress of Webmaster webpage ( using Dreamweaver )

Webmaster webpage

Page 1

Banner for webmaster

buttons for webmaster

this is the pictures
edited using Adobe Photoshop
(Reference : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/2463563.stm )

1st - click on "Form" icon

to create a box like the above

2nd - insert the Q&A picture inside

3rd - click on "Text Field" icon

to create name box in order to enter the name of the viewer

4th - click on "Spry Validation Text Field"

to create the email box specific to let the viewer to enter the email address only

5th - create the comment box (same as 3rd step) with Multi line
to let the viewer to enter the comment

6th - hightligh the 3 boxes and click on "button" icon to create submit button
in order to let viewer submit it after enter all in the boxes

Reference : ( link 1 , link 2 , Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 E-book - Topic 8 Working with Forms )

Page 2

add on this pictures in page 2

1st - create table which consist of 3 rows and 4 column
in order to organize the details

2nd -  set the table border = 0

3rd - insert pictures in first and third column

4th - insert the detail of each profile of the picture

[A3] The progress of Home webpage (using Dreamweaver )

Home webpage

this is the banner for Home Webpage

This is 3 different type of buttons for Home Webpage

this is the pictures
edited with adobe Photoshop 
(Reference :  link 1 , link 2 )

1st - create table to build our website
then, insert logo and banner inside upper part

this is the table for our whole website
align = center
 border = 0

properties of banner
W = 829
H =  302

Properties of logo
W= 202
H = 158

2nd - create table with 1 row and 6 column 
to organize the button properly and neatly

This is the arrangement of the button

3rd - I create table with 2 columns and 1 row.
then i insert flash , images and subtopics inside
and then link the subtopic and image one by one

4th - create anchor near the logo and named it as "top"
( Reference : more about anchor )

5th - highlight "back to top" and then link to the anchor which named as "top"
so that when we click on it then it will move up.